All Are Welcome Here


In response to the actions of the 2019 special session of the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, and the resulting pain of the LGBTQI community, their friends, family and allies, Welborne adopts the following statement of inclusivity.

Welborne United Methodist Church believes that everyone is a child of God. We welcome and affirm all persons without regard to gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, national origin, faith tradition, age, diverse ability, marital status, economic condition, or anything else which threatens to divide God’s family. We recognize that there are differences among us but believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. In our quest to follow the example of Christ, we will employ no circles of exclusion and we commit ourselves to loving acts of invitation, hospitality, and reconciliation, providing ministry to, for, and with all persons without exception. We welcome all people to worship, leadership and full ministry in the life of the church.

The Welborne UMC Church Council

Adopted on May 13, 2019